"From our hearts directly and thoroughly to yours, we thank the Christopher's Voice Foundation for offering us the security and hope that the Angelsense gps tracker provides for our family. You give us peace of mind, a very grateful heart, and way to reach our full life's potential. We appreciate Christopher's Voice, and all that it means!
- Pictured left to right, Kathryn (Proud Special Needs Mom,) Nectar (Heeling Autism Service Dog,) and Don Age 9 (Proud Recipient of Angelsense gps subscription to assist with Autism wandering tendencies)"
"We are beyond grateful with the project lifesaver perimeter alarm that was donated by Christopher's Voice. Our son Christian is deaf, has autism and is nonverbal. Christian loves the outdoors and If given the opportunity he would run out in a heartbeat. This device will alert us if our son wanders off and most importantly help us find him. It will allow us to have a little peace of mind. There are no words to express our gratitude. Thank you!" New Rochelle, NY
"Christopher's Voice is a non profit organization that provides assistance to families with Autistic children and to promote public awareness. Christopher's Voice donated a device and equipment called Project Lifesaver to my family. I want to thank Chris Greco and his foundation Christopher's Voice, for the generous donation of Project Lifesaver. Words can not explain how appreciative we are to have this equipment to help put a little more ease into our lives." Dutchess County, NY
"Thank you so much Christopher's Voice for helping my family....this really means a lot to me....no one can understand what a parent goes through until they go through it....it has been a tough beginning of a school year but thanks to your family this can make a big difference....again thank you for supporting not only my son but for any child with autism!!!!!!!!!!!"
"We recently received 2 sensory bags for our ambulances from Christopher's Voice. These bags contain items for special needs patients. We are thankful for their contribution and the work they do. They provide these bags at no cost to first responder agencies. For more information about them or to make a donation to help them continue their work please visit their page."
"We have to give a huge shout out to Christopher's Voice. They donated these very cool sensory bags to us and the fire department. These bags contain information, gadgets and toys that may help a first responder when dealing with children with autism. Check out their website! They are doing some pretty great stuff http://christophersvoice.org/."