Christopher's Voice was a charitable foundation created by New Rochelle Police Detective Christopher Greco (Retired) and his wife Tracy to help prevent wandering of autistic children by providing lifesaving GPS and other locate equipment, to provide financial assistance to families with autistic children and to promote and provide first responder training to police, fire and ems.
Christopher Greco suffers from Autism, Epilepsy, 15Q Chromosome Duplication Disorder and other Cognitive Disorders. Christopher, once a proud New Rochelle boy and Student at Ward Elementary School and after ~36 months of hospitalization Christopher is now a resident at Elizabeth Seton Children’s in Yonkers, NY.
Despite his fragile health conditions, at just 17 years old, Christopher’s has an impresive resume - with contributions to New Rochelle and the world that truly are inspiring and priceless. Christopher was born on Apirl 18, 2006 to Tracy and Christopher T. Greco.
Christopher Greco is a retired New Rochelle Police Detective and Former New Rochelle PBA President. Tracy is a third generation New Rochellian. Chris and Tracy also have a 12 year old daughter Gabriella Greco, the Director of all things Creative.